GRP Terminal

A Game Maker Studio Mock-Up Terminal Operating System


A while back (when I first began programming), I was learning batch codes and how the Windows Command Prompt worked. I soon became very bored of CMD, so I simply decided to create my own... In Game Maker Studio 2! This terminal aims to have a futuristic feel, and is a continuous work in progress. (picture to the left displays an early version)


For those of you who know GML, Game Maker can no longer execute a string as a line of code. Everything is now compiled at runtime. To avoid this, and create my own custom language that users can use to create scripts, I created a basic parser. This parser essentially reads each line of a file one by one, and executes a script or another file with arguments. This leads for endless possibilities with the right set of per-determined commands.

GRP Console supports a window UI, like most OS would use. However, as of now Windows - like framework is currently under development and may be buggy during use. Currently, GRP Console can open images of most common formats, text files of any kind, ogg sound files, and also execute user-defined .grp scripts.


Documentation for creating your own user-defined scripts is currently available from the button below.

Text files of any kind will always be opened in a text editor unless otherwise defined.


The content of a file can be logged to the terminal as well, using content.


Lastly, a major work in progress has been the embedded web browser. This is an extension for Chromium, which an external download of is not needed. However, there are still many issues with the browser. Although you can add tabs, they currently do not hold their current state. The address input field along the bottom also has no functionality. It currently displays the URL to the user. Hopefully in the near future, these bugs can be worked out to provide a stable user experience.



You can download the latest version of GMS Terminal below. However be aware that certain functions like ALI, and glitches from windows may also occur. I am aware of these issues and am working to address them. Feel free to download and let me know what you think!


* Previous Version: [2.0.14]

* Latest Version: [2.1.15]

* You don't have to come back here for updates now! Simply type update in the terminal, and you will be notified of an update. New packages for the terminal will downloaded the required scripts, and update the terminal in real-time!


*This project is now open source on GitHub.